Creating an acronym generator

I was looking to have an acronym for a project, but I found it difficult to find a decent service to generate a reasonable one.

I found the repo which has a nice implementation.
The library, also very well curated, allow to lookup to a corpus of words which letters are contained in the proposed phrase.

I integrate the H2020 project acronym list to ensure I do not get duplicates, a reasonable amount of ~10k records.

The library own implementations suffered from an out of memory while comparing the existing acronym so I just checked for duplicates before returning the output.

Next step is to setup a simple HTTP service to expose the service and a minimal interface. Luckly python has an HTTP service implementation that came handy to expose a JSON endpoint to the generator and serve the web frontend.

If you want to give it a try go to

It is also available as docker image

Give it a try with

docker run --rm -p 8081:8081 -v `pwd`/data:/app/data opny/acronym-generator

and then visit localhost:8081 to start a search.

The source is available at